Introduction and Infancy

The Life of Christ, Book 1


  • Gives an introduction to the political and geographical situation in Palestine in the first century, with reference to the Roman Empire, the Herods and the provinces under their jurisdiction.
  • Presents the life of Jesus in five steps: Childhood, Year of Preparation, Year of Popularity, Year of Passion, Resurrected Life and shows how to find these steps in Matthew.
  • Details the childhood of Jesus in Matthew and Luke.
  • Introduces the concept of the Kingdom of God and the doctrine of Christ as God and Man, making a comparison with the false doctrines of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons.
  • Teaches how to use the three basic study techniques: observation, interpretation and application.
  • Introduces the main Old Testament characters with their dates, giving an introductory sketch of their history.
  • Begins the study of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.


1A Jesus in the Roman Empire
1B The Political Situation in Palestine
1C Matthew, The Author

MTEE Practical Work: resolving disagreements (1)

2A The Kingdom of Heaven
2B Christ, the King

MTEE Practical Work: self-examination—is Christ King in my life? (1)

3A The Five Steps in the Life of Christ
3B The Map of Palestine
3C The Three Years of Ministry

MTEE Practical Work: sharing the five steps of the Life of Christ with others

4A The System of “Bridges”
4B The Structure of Matthew’s Gospel

MTEE Practical Work: self-examination—is Christ King in my life? (2)

5A The Genealogy of Jesus (1) – Matthew 1:1-17
5B The Genealogy of Jesus (2) – Matthew 1:1-17

MTEE Practical Work: resolving disagreements (2)

6A The Three Basic Techniques of Bible Study (1)
6B The Three Basic Techniques of Bible Study (2)
6C The Announcements of the King’s Birth – Matthew 1:18-23

MTEE Practical Work: explaining why Jesus is the only mediator

7A The Son of God
7B The Son of Man
7C False Doctrine

MTEE Practical Work : practicing Bible study methods; Week 6 follow-up

8A The Promises of God
8B Using the Promises

MTEE Practical Work: Encouraging others with promises from God’s Word

9A The Herod Family
9B Jesus’ Infancy – Matthew 2:1-12
9C Jesus in Egypt – Matthew 2:13-23

MTEE Practical Work: self-examination—is Christ King in my life? (3)

10A The Sovereignty of God
10B Jesus’ Youth

MTEE Practical Work: Use of the home for witness and worship or discussion with people who consult shamans/lamas/tables for correct timings of various activities/horoscopes