In April, 2019, three graduating students from the Certificate Program of Christian Ministries visited Istanbul, Turkey, in order to introduce MTEE programs, to share what they experienced so far and to run a facilitator training course with Mongolian Christian churches in Turkey.  Ganbold, one of the MTEE trainers, led the team.

They ministered in Istanbul for five days. There were times of fellowship with and encouragement of church leaders. They  ran a facilitators’ course for three nights. About 25 people took part, 15 of whom received the Course Certificate, allowing them to run MTEE course groups.

With another group, they studied a few lessons from the MTEE course Work for All. Many Mongolians have gone to Turkey to work there and earn money. Often the atmosphere at their workplace is very bad and they find it hard to cope with that. However, as they studied these lessons, they realized that believers are called not only to work in order to earn money, but above all to glorify God through their work. This brought about a transformation in their attitude; they were filled with joy as they started to grasp important biblical truths about work. 

At that time, ‘Morning Star’ church in Istanbul was running an Abundant Life course. Currently, they have moved on to the next course, Abundant Light. We continue to be in touch with the leader of the church, Zangilmaa, to give her advice and encouragement. 


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