Year of Popularity

The Life of Christ, Book 3

  • Analyses the second year of the ministry of Jesus (Year of Popularity).
  • Describes Galilee and the expansion of the kingdom in that province.
  • Analyses: the statutes of the kingdom (the Sermon on the Mount), the proof of the kingdom (the miracles), enemies and examples of the kingdom (the parables).
  • Teaches about prayer and how to prepare sermons, make home visits, bring others to Christ and plan a new church.
  • Introduces the techniques of analysis and synthesis, giving the student ample opportunity to analyse in detail the Sermon on the Mount and prepare simple messages.
  • Shows how to use a concordance, Biblical dictionaries, commentaries, etc.
  • Shows how to compare related episodes in various Gospels and how to confront apparent contradictions in them.


1A Analysing the Year of Popularity
1B Expansion of the Kingdom—Matthew 4:12–25
MTEE Practical Work: Analyzing your local area—defining the area and its main characteristics

2A Edicts of the Kingdom (1)—Matthew 5:1–12
2B Edicts of the Kingdom (2)—Matthew 5:13–16
2C Edicts of the Kingdom (3)—Matthew 5:17–48
MTEE Practical Work: Analysing your local area—interviewing five people

3A Edicts of the Kingdom (4)—Matthew 6:1–34
3B Edicts of the Kingdom (5)—Matthew 7:1–29
3C How to Prepare a Sermon or Talk
MTEE Practical Work: prayer walk, expressions of darkness and light

4A The Lord’s Prayer—Matthew 6:9–13
4B Personal Prayer 4C Using the Bible in Prayer
MTEE Practical Work: Preparing a sermon or talk

5A Evidences of the Kingdom (1)—Matthew 8:1–13
5B Evidences of the Kingdom (2)—Matthew 8:14–34
5C Evidences of the Kingdom (3)—Matthew 9:1–34
MTEE Practical Work: Preparing a talk for non-believers or intercessory prayer for the local area

6A Evidences of the Kingdom (4) Contradiction or Contraction?
6B Evidences of the Kingdom (5) Modern Science & Jesus’ Miracles
MTEE Practical Work: Continued prayer for open doors for the gospel in the local area

7A Envoys of the Kingdom (1)—Matthew 8:18–22; 9:9–17, 35–38
7B Envoys of the Kingdom (2)—Matthew 10:1–4
7C Envoys of the Kingdom (3)—Matthew 10:5–42
MTEE Practical Work: Developing contacts, relationships & friendships in the local area

8A Enemies of the Kingdom (1)—Matthew 11:1–30
8B Enemies of the Kingdom (2)—Matthew 12:1–45
8C Enemies of the Kingdom (3)—Matthew 12:46–50
MTEE Practical Work: Developing contacts, relationships & friendships in the local area—continued

9A Examples of the Kingdom (1)—Matthew 13:1–23
9B Examples of the Kingdom (2)—Matthew 13:24–58
MTEE Practical Work: Developing contacts, relationships & friendships in the local area—continued

10A Extending the Kingdom: Through Personal Testimony
10B Extending the Kingdom: Through Cell Bible Groups
10C Extending the Kingdom: Through Planting New Churches
MTEE Practical Work: Running an evangelistic event for those interested